Welcome To My Creative Journey- The Next Half Century

From knitting to cooking, jewelry making to painting, gardening to journaling, I love it all and would love for you to share it with me

Sunday, June 27, 2010

BIG and AMAZING.......one more week to go and we will be flying on our own...

My journey with Kelly Rae (an online e-course: "Flying Lessons")  and my many classmates has been ONE interesting journey. 
My heart has been touched in a new way.
The first two week of the class were energizing and motivating.......then the chaos of life takes hold.
Still running in the background is the classroom...busy and active. I sit silent and watch. I feel frustrated and alone, but not for long. 
Inspiring and supportive voices become loud to me again and make me attentive. 
I realize there must be patience in the process..... In MY process. 
Everyone's journey will be unique.... MY journey will be unique.
But in the end, we will be in the same BIG and AMAZING  place.......

My dreams are big and amazing
my reality (right now) is small
my steps are tiny
but there will be many..many...many
......c.a. gourley


  1. Yikes...only a week left! But really this is just the beginning...the little seed we are all planting! The real work comes after the course is over! Hoping that we all stay connected and support one another along the way!

  2. Hi Carol, I can really relate to these different stages. Some days I was so energized and others... well, I didn't even feel like reading the post. I really like your take on it here. Nice flying with you!!

  3. yes....you will be taking many, many, many!!

    i love your sweet little drawing and what she is saying.

    this e-course has been so wonderful....so much to take in and sit with. lots and lots of inspiration!!

    glad we are flying together!

  4. Carol, you're drawing is sweet and true...
    I love it!
    You are flying!!

  5. i am sad there is only a week left. i'd like those posts to continue on forever as motivations and reminders!

  6. Hi Carol! You are the winner of my give away! Please email me your address and take a peek at my etsy site and let me know which print you would like! So nice to meet you! Congratulations!
    Love, Kelly
    My email is kellylish01@gmail.com

  7. Love your drawing. I agree that it was a nice ride but now the work begins. How and what and in what order will be different for all of us I think. It will be lovely to see so many taking flight!
